Customer Testimonials

What some of our customers have to say:

Amanda H.

LOVE my tiles and my mom loved the one I got for her birthday! Thanks for the great product :)

Bob B.

You did the Mustang tile for me and it turned out great. Everyone that I show it to loves it. If I send you another picture can you make a mural from it?


I received the tiles yesterday and they are Fabulous! What an excellent job. The colors and clarity are great. Thanks so much!

Stu G.

The photo tile that you made of me is outstanding. The quality and workmanship is superior and the colors are rich and vibrant. I cannot think of a better way to memorialize a keepsake.

Fran R. O.

Got my tile- what an awesome gift it will be.

Laura K.

I love this company! Their work is outstanding and fast. Thanks for spotlighting them again.

K Newcomb

I am very impressed with customer service at Tiles&Smiles - I will definitely be a repeat customer!

M Giebe

I love the tile! It will be a wonderful Christmas gift!


YOU GUYS ARE GREAT! I love your stuff, and have told so many of my friends about you! thanks so much.


Thank you so much for the beautiful tiles. We love them! You did an awesome job photo shopping and cropping them. We couldn't be prouder to have our daughter's first artwork preserved in such a unique way. We'll be back for more in the future.


The tiles are wonderful!!!!